Paul Sitzler MBBS FRACS
- MBBS Melbourne University 1985
- FRACS 1992
- 18 years Colorectal Surgeon
- Member Colorectal Surgical Society of Australasia 1996-current
- Member American Society of Colorectal Surgery 2004-current
- Member St Marks Association
- Member Australian Medical Association
Current Appointments:
- Colorectal Surgeon Box Hill Hospital.
- Colorectal Surgeon Epworth Medical Centre.
- Colorectal Surgeon, Linacre/Como Private Hospitals.
- Holmesglen Private Hospital
Past Appointments:
- Colorectal Surgeon Western Hospital Footscray 1997-2003
- General Surgeon Werribee Mercy Hospital Werribee 1996-2004
- Colorectal Surgeon Monash Medical Centre 2001-2008
- Visiting Surgeon Bass Coast Hospital Wonthaggi.
- Head of Unit & General Surgeon Sandringham & District Memorial Hospital from 2007-2023.
Colorectal Subspecialty Training Appointments Held:
- Clinical Research Fellow St Marks Hospital London 1994-1995
- Colorectal Fellow Singapore General Hospital Singapore 1996-1996
Research Interests:
- Rectal cancer, Incontenence, Rectal prolapse

Journal Papers Published: 8
Lectures delivered: 30
Consultation and sigmoidoscopy
Treatment of Haemorrhoids
Minor Operations
Anorectal Investigation
Major Surgery
Consultation and sigmoidoscopy
I see patients in the rooms regardless of insurance status. Consultation for new patients averages 20-30 minutes. Sigmoidoscopy is done in the rooms which is a briefly uncomfortable but generally painless procedure to check the internal aspect of the anal canal and rectum. Any proposed surgical procedure can be planned for the private or public hospital system depending on patient choice. Surgery in the public hospitals will generally be done on my lists either by myself or under supervision by a surgical registrar or fellow. There is a possibility that your surgery will be done under the direction of another surgeon within the surgical team. Surgery in private hospitals will be done by myself, as will post-operative management.
Treatment of Haemorrhoids
Office treatment of haemorrhoids is widely practiced in Australia. Treatment offered is generally banding of haemorrhoids which is done without any sedation or preparation other than no aspirin or anticoagulant activity being present. This procedure takes 5-10 minutes and when the instruments are all removed discomfort should be absent or minimal. Injection of haemorrhoids is also offered in some circumstances, which is again a simple office procedure.
Minor Operations
Excisional skin surgery under Local Anaesthesia is offered to patients in the Erin Street rooms. Excisions of lesions such as skin cancers, sebaceous cysts, moles, external haemorrhoids, anal tags can all be performed which is convenient and can avoid day surgery or hospital admission for these small procedures. The time taken averages 20-30 minutes. I prefer to perform any toenail surgery in a day-surgery or hospital.
I perform endoscopy in a number of registered day-surgery or hospital based endoscopy units. Please refer to practice locations for these locations. I have performed in excess of 2000 colonoscopies and regard this procedure as an important and safe tool in the investigation and management of colonic diseases. Please study the procedure information section for an explanation of the procedure.
Anorectal Investigation
This is now located at our rooms in Bluff Rd, Sandringham. Anal and rectal USS can be used for investigation of disorders such as incontinence, fistula, prolapse, and stageing of rectal cancers. These investigations require specialized equipment and expertise. The investigation including processing and history taking and investigations themselves take up to an hour to perform. There should be minimal discomfort. A nurse with specialized training will assist and perform part of the investigation themselves. A medical specialist with training in this field will perform the ultrasound and may perform the examination used to test nerve function of the anal sphincter.
Major Surgery
I perform most major and minor colorectal surgery with the exception of gracilis neo-sphincter surgery at present. Major colon and rectal resections performed for cancer, inflammatory bowel, diverticulitis and other conditions are often performed in hospitals with intensive care unit back-up such as the Epworth, and Box Hill Hospitals. I also perform general abdominal surgical operations such as hernia surgery, cholecystectomy,and other gastro-intestinal surgeries.
Consulting Centres
Location: Epworth Hospital, 89 Bridge Rd, Richmond VIC 3121
Suite 9.4, Level 9, Danks Wing - Phone: (03) 8567 3900
- Fax: (03) 8648 5870
Location: Holmesglen Hospital, 490 South Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Building 2, Level 1, Suite D6 - Phone: (03) 8567 3900
- Fax: (03) 8648 5870
Hospitals operated at
Box Hill Hospital
Nelson Road, Box Hill 3128 (public)
Epworth Hospital
89 Bridge Road Richmond 3121 (ICU access) (Private)
Linacre Hospital
12 Linacre Road Hampton 3188 (Private)
Cabrini Hospital - Brighton
243 New Street Brighton 3186
Holmesglen Private Hospital
490 South Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189