Robotic Colorectal Surgery

Robotic surgery in colorectal conditions is established in many centres and accepted as a mode in minimally invasive surgery by most world authorities. Studies are ongoing, in particular when applied to colon and rectal cancer but there have been no sigificant negative factors found for this technique in cancer surgery to date. In fact the positive of clearer view and stable platform that the robot offers can make this technique a better alternative to open and even laparoscopic surgery in some cases.

We perform robotic colorectal surgery currently for colorectal conditions at Epworth Hospital Richmond and Freemasons where the robot is located in the hospitals we practice at.

Currently robotic surgery is recommended for some cases of distal colon and rectal conditions requiring high and low anterior resections. These pathologies can be cancer or benign such as surgery for diverticular disease.

The other condition that can be performed robotically is surgery for rectal prolapse including ventral rectopexy.

Mr Sitzler will advise if he thinks your condition is suitable for robotic surgery, and you the patient can select this technique if you are comforatable with this approach.

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